Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Allowed to Lie; forbidden to tell the truth

Herman Cain is running for President. His qualifications? He sold pizza, lots of it, and claims that as president he knows how to create jobs. Herman Cain is a Republican. He does not believe that the government can or should create jobs. Vote for Herman Cain.
Herman Cain has another qualfication. He was president of the National Restaurant Association. In other words, Herman Cain was a lobbyist. His past relationship to government was to use money to influence policy and law against the interests of the paying public and on behalf of a special interest.
Herman Cain was accused by a young woman in his lobbying organization of sexual harrassment. Herman Cain settled. He paid her a year's salary in severance in exchange for an agreement never to say a word again about her experience. But Herman Cain never agreed, himself, never to speak of this matter.
And so we have the following situation: The woman whom Herman Cain harrassed is forbidden by law to tell the truth about what happened. But Herman Cain, who bought her off, is permitted by law to lie about what happened. Vote for Herman Cain.

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